GraphQL Persisted Queries with HTTP Caching [Part 2]

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This is the second part of a four part series on GraphQL Persisted Queries with HTTP Caching. As a recap of part one, we described some issues with GraphQL and how persisted queries can be a solution for them. We also covered what persisted queries were from a high-level.

In part two we will cover the following topics:

  1. Setup Express Server
  2. Setup React Application
  3. Refactor React Application to use Persisted Queries
  4. Extract GraphQL Queries from Client
  5. Refactor Express Server to use Persisted Queries

Setup Express Server

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To begin, we’re going to setup up a very simple Express server that’ll serve up a GraphQL API. Let’s break down the following file:

// server.js
const { GraphQLServer } = require('graphql-yoga')

const { typeDefs } = require('./graphql/typeDefs')
const { resolvers } = require('./graphql/resolvers')

const server = new GraphQLServer({ typeDefs, resolvers })
const options = {
  port: 5000,
  endpoint: '/graphql',
  playground: '/playground',

server.start(options, ({ port }) =>
    `Server started, listening on port ${port} for incoming requests.`,

We have our GraphQL types and resolvers defined under the ./graphql directory. The resolvers are pulling data from data.json, which is just an easier way to get this API started. In our example, we’re serving up data on video game consoles, so the data doesn’t change that often.

Using graphql-yoga we can create a GraphQLServer, supply it with the type definitions and resolvers. We set a couple of options then we start the server.

Setup React Application

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To take advantage of our Express Server that is exposing a GraphQL API, we’re going to create a simple React application to use it. We’ll use create-react-app for our foundation, and add in react-apollo and apollo-boost to bootstrap the GraphQL.

Note: we need to use the next version (2.x) of react-scripts so that we can take advantage of a graphql-tag/loader to load up static .graphql files.

We’ll first initialize our Apollo client and render our App to the DOM. In addition, we need to set up the Apollo Client and point it to our GraphQL API. The following index.js file accomplishes all this setup:

// index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';

import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-boost';
import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo';
import { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';

import App from './components/App';
import './index.css';

const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: createHttpLink({ uri: 'http://localhost:5000/graphql' }),
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

const AppWithProvider = () => (
  <ApolloProvider client={client}>
    <App />

ReactDOM.render(<AppWithProvider />, document.getElementById('root'));

Nothing special is happening in our App component, as we’re just creating some input controls and passing the data to our ConsoleContainer component. All our GraphQL data loading and usage is handled within the ConsoleContainer:

// components/ConsoleContainer.js
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { Query } from 'react-apollo';
import QUERY from '../graphql/ConsolesByYear.graphql';

const ConsolesAndCompany = ({ afterYear, beforeYear }) => (
  <Query query={QUERY} variables={{ afterYear, beforeYear }} fetchPolicy='network-only'>
    {({ data, error, loading }) => {
      if (error) return 'Error!';
      if (loading) return 'Loading';

      return (
   => (
              <div key={}>
                <h4>Release Year: {console.releaseYear}</h4>
                <h4>Company: {}</h4>
                <br />

ConsolesAndCompany.propTypes = { afterYear: PropTypes.number, beforeYear: PropTypes.number };

export default ConsolesAndCompany;

Notice that we’re loading the QUERY from a static file. The Query component then allows the Apollo client to handle the networking, storage, and retrieval of the query. Our component finally renders new React.Fragments to the DOM with the resolved data.

Refactor React Application to use Persisted Queries

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In the last two sections we created a simple React application using Apollo client that uses a GraphQL API being served on Express. With a small change on our React application we can make it persisted query enabled.

We take advantage of the apollo-link-persisted-queries (an Apollo Link) to modify the Apollo client. While it isn’t too difficult to roll our own implementation, it is best to lean on community supported projects. Using this package will help us narrow down what our future implementation needs to conform to on the server-side. In addition, it provides some portability/compatibility with different projects due to being a community solution.

// index.js
import { createPersistedQueryLink } from 'apollo-link-persisted-queries';

// ... rest of file

const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: createPersistedQueryLink().concat(
    createHttpLink({ uri: 'http://localhost:5000/graphql' })
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

// ... rest of file

At this point our React application will be sending outbound POST requests with the following body:

  extensions: {
    persistedQuery: {
      version: 1,
      sha256Hash: "a38e6d5349901b395334b5fd3b14e84a7ca7c4fc060a4089f2c23b5cf76f0f80"
  operationName: "ConsolesByYear",
  variables: {
    afterYear: 1990,
    beforeYear: 1999

We have our operationName, variables and the extensions properties present. Within the extensions property, we really only care about the persistedQuery.sha256Hash value. The sha256Hash value is automatically computed on-the-fly based on the outgoing query (it is worth noting you can calculate the hashes at build-time). Thus, we now need a way to identify the queries by this signature on the server.

Extract GraphQL Queries from React Application

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We can use the persistgraphql tool from Apollo to help extract queries from the client application. This tool recursively scans a directory and looks for GraphQL queries (i.e., .graphql files), then it generates a JSON file of query_string keys mapped to id values. Unfortunately, this tool’s major flaw is that the id ends up being an auto-incremented number:

  "<query_string_1>": 1,
  "<query_string_2>": 2,
  "<query_string_3>": 3,

Auto-incrementing ids aren’t going to uniquely identify the query string, thus causing long-term concerns when you need to extract the queries multiple times or from multiple clients. Ideally, you could use some cryptographic hash function to come up with the unique ids, which effectively becomes the query’s signature). Currently, there are GitHub issues discussing these concerns (pull request #35 and issue #34).

There are general questions and concerns with the tool’s operation and how to use the output:

  • How do you sync them to the server (issue #52)?
  • How do you use them in the client (issue #42)?
  • How can you retain previous queries for a build process (issue #17)?

Apollo has another tool, apollo-codegen, that handles extracting queries for the purpose of generating code for other languages and types (i.e., Swift, Scala, Flow, etc…). It has been brought up in issue #314 that a unification of persistgraphql and apollo-codegen would be ideal. In an article titled GraphQL Persisted Documents (by Leonardo Garcia Crespo), the landscape for extracting and using persisted queries can be confusing.

For the purpose of what we want to do, we will reuse the existing logic that persistgraphql has to extract the queries and add in a post-process that will determine a unique signature for each query to match what we need. I created a script, persistgraphql-signature-sync, to extract the queries from the client and augmented the ids to be a hash of the query acting as the unique signature. A SHA 256 hashing algorithm is used so that the generated hash value is the same as the ones generated by apollo-link-persisted-queries. It also handles synchronization of queries to an endpoint, which we will explore in a later section.

The following command:

node index.js --input-path=../react-graphql/src --output-file=./extracted_queries.json

produces a JSON file holding the query strings and their signatures:

  "query ConsolesByYear($afterYear: Int, $beforeYear: Int) {\n  consoles(afterYear: $afterYear, beforeYear: $beforeYear) {\n    ...ConsoleFieldsFragment\n    company {\n      name\n      __typename\n    }\n    __typename\n  }\n}\n\nfragment ConsoleFieldsFragment on Console {\n  name\n  releaseYear\n  __typename\n}\n":"a38e6d5349901b395334b5fd3b14e84a7ca7c4fc060a4089f2c23b5cf76f0f80"

Refactor Express Server to use Persisted Queries

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We now have our extracted_queries.json file containing our mapping of queries to signatures. We can go back and refactor our express server to use the output file containing the mapping to support persisted queries.

const { GraphQLServer } = require('graphql-yoga')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const { typeDefs } = require('./graphql/typeDefs')
const { resolvers } = require('./graphql/resolvers')
const { persistedQueriesMiddleware } = require('./persistedQueriesMiddleware')

const server = new GraphQLServer({ typeDefs, resolvers })
const options = {
  port: 5000,
  endpoint: '/graphql',
  playground: '/playground',
};'/graphql', persistedQueriesMiddleware)
server.start(options, ({ port }) =>
    `Server started, listening on port ${port} for incoming requests.`,

We have added two things here:

  1. We use the bodyParser middleware that will allow us to access the body parameters on POST requests.
  2. We have a new persistedQueriesMiddleware that attaches onto the /graphql POST route.

We add the first middleware so that we can access the req.body in our custom persistedQueriesMiddleware middleware.

// persistedQueriesMiddleware.js
const { invert } = require('lodash');
const extractedQueries = invert(require('./extracted_queries.json'))

persistedQueriesMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
  console.log("Handling request to: " + req.url)

  const querySignature = req.body.extensions.persistedQuery.sha256Hash;
  const persistedQuery = extractedQueries[querySignature]

  if (!persistedQuery) {
    res.status(400).json({ errors: ['Invalid querySignature'] })
    return next(new Error('Invalid querySignature'))

  req.body.query = persistedQuery

module.exports = { persistedQueriesMiddleware }

Recall the persisted query request body from our React application. We need to pull out the sha256Hash value as our signature and do a lookup in our extracted_queries.json file for the matching query. If we find a match, then we can set the query to the actual query string and pass the request through to the underlying server to be resolved.


At this point we’ve built:

  • An Express server that exposes a GraphQL API.
  • A React application that uses Apollo to communicate with our GraphQL API.
  • A script to help to with extracting persisted queries from our React application.

Our Express server is using a static file, extracted_queries.json, to do the mapping of the query to the signature. While this approach gets the job done, you might want to take it to the next level where this information is stored in a database (or similar storage). This adaptation comes with the following:

  • If we’re using a database, it becomes possible to create more analytics and administration around persisted queries.
  • If you have multiple clients, they would all produce their own JSON file of persisted queries. You will then have to track/manage/merge these and possible commit them to your server code.
  • Each time you update your persisted queries you will require a restart or redeployment of the server. With a database synchronization approach, you can send the queries to be persisted while the server is running.

We will take a look at the next iteration of our persisted queries implementation, one that’ll use synchronization – using a Rails server backed by a database. We will cover this in the third part of our series.

This topic was presented at GraphQL Toronto July 2018: