Information at a Glance: RailsRequestStats

I developed rails_request_stats to solve a personal problem of mine while optimizing certain Rails API endpoints at work. It provided me a quick way to get the required information at a glance in development logs.

To best describe what and how rails_request_stats can be used the, following comes directly from rails_request_stats’s README:

During development have you ever:

  • Wondered how many SQL queries occurred during a request?
  • Been curious on average view and database runtime for a request?
  • Wanted a report containing overall statistics of all unique requests?
  • Wanted a better way to iteratively optimize requests?

RailsRequestStats provides a simple drop-in solution to expose more statistics on requests. New information is presented in your development logs, supplying you with the required information to iteratively optimize requests by noticing subtle changes in the number of queries and average runtimes.

How this Works

RailsRequestStats::NotificationSubscribers when required will subscribe to the sql.active_record, start_processing.action_controller, and process_action.action_controller ActionSupport::Notifications.

  • The sql.active_record event allow us to count each SQL query that passes though ActiveRecord, which we count internally.
  • The cache_read.active_support event allows us to count each read and hit to the Rails cache.
  • The cache_fetch_hit.active_support event allows us to count the cache hits to the Rails cache when using fetch.
  • The start_processing.action_controller event allows us to clear internal counts, as well as perform a GC.start and capturing the count of objects residing in the ObjectSpace.
  • The process_action.action_controller event provides us runtime information along with identifying controller action details, we even determine the number of generated objects since the start of processing the action. At this point we are able to synthesis the query information and runtime information and store them internally in running collection of RailsRequestStats::RequestStats objects.

Note the data collection is tracked and stored in class-level instance variables. Thus this is not threadsafe, as no concurrency mechanisms are used (i.e., mutex). For non-threaded and forking application servers this should be fine.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'rails_request_stats', group: :development

Example Outputs

Within the console ./log/development.log you should start seeing the following statement appearing at the end of processing a request:

[RailsRequestStats] (AVG view_runtime: 163.655ms | AVG db_runtime: 15.465ms | AVG generated_object_count: 14523 | query_count: 9 | cached_query_count: 0 | cache_read_count: 3 | cache_hit_count: 3)

Finally when you exit the application’s server, you should see a summary report of all the data captured:

[RailsRequestStats] INDEX:html "/users" (AVG view_runtime: 128.492ms | AVG db_runtime: 9.186ms | AVG generated_object_count: 25529 | MIN query_count: 8 | MAX query_count: 9) from 4 requests
[RailsRequestStats] SHOW:html "/users/2" (AVG view_runtime: 13.0429ms | AVG db_runtime: 1.69033ms | AVG generated_object_count: 14523 | MIN query_count: 2 | MAX query_count: 2) from 3 requests
[RailsRequestStats] SHOW:html "/users/2?test=1&blah=2" (AVG view_runtime: 17.8252ms | AVG db_runtime: 1.621ms | AVG generated_object_count: 18511 | MIN query_count: 2 | MAX query_count: 2) from 1 requests

Customizing Outputs

Memory Stats

By setting the following class variable within in an initializer (./config/initializers/rails_request_stats.rb):

RailsRequestStats::Report.print_memory_stats = true

You can see the generated objects within the ObjectSpace for individual requests:

[RailsRequestStats] (AVG view_runtime: 93.7252ms | AVG db_runtime: 8.66075ms | AVG generated_object_count: 125282 | query_count: 8 | cached_query_count: 0 | cache_read_count: 3 | cache_hit_count: 3 | generated_objects: {:total_generated_objects=>111878, :object=>921, :class=>35, :module=>0, :float=>0, :string=>49501, :regexp=>1556, :array=>17855, :hash=>2087, :struct=>103, :bignum=>0, :file=>0, :data=>37682, :match=>373, :complex=>0, :node=>1688, :iclass=>0})

Override Reports

You can manually override the output by monkey-patching in an initializer (./config/initializers/rails_request_stats.rb):

module RailsRequestStats
  class Report
    # Called after every request
    def report_text
      # Access to @request_stats (instance of RequestStats)
    # Called after the application server is closed (via #at_exit_handler)
    def exit_report_text
      # Access to @request_stats (instance of RequestStats)

  class NotificationSubscribers
    # Called when the application server is closed
    def self.at_exit_handler
      # Access to @requests (hash of { <paths> => RequestStats })


I have personally been using RailsRequestStats at work since its inception. Reception has been quite good, it has little impact and simply provides extra information at a glance to developers during day-to-day work. I will mention that rack-mini-profiler is an excellent gem, and kind of inspired my creation of this gem. I couldn’t find a good way to get the information I wanted when dealing with API endpoints, with RailsRequestStats I was able to simply output it in the logs.

In the future I might add more detailed memory reports. I also have to verify that it continues to work in Rails 5 where the default webserver is Puma which is a concurrent webserver. This could pose issue as information is stored in class instance variable and are modified at various parts of a requests life cycle.