Todoist does not have strong keyboard navigation and shortcuts. Fortunately, there is a browser extension that augments the web client to support better keyboard navigation. This article outlines how to gain this functionality in a desktop version of Todoist using 'nativefier'.
Learn how to keep your hands on the keyboard, and accomplish mouseless selection and copying in iTerm2. We explore the find and copy approach, along with iTerm2's copy mode.
Learn to edit within a pry session. Experience the power of multi-line and patch editing.
Trying to configure Rails ActiveStorage for Minio as your storage provider? The default configuration does not work out of the box, so read on to see what configuration options you are missing.
My first foray into making and publishing a browser extension. Let me showcase a quick extension which adds a button on GitHub's pull request and issue pages that links to populated with data.
We are ever consuming articles on the web. In most cases, the articles that interest me are highly technical and informative. Just like a book, you would highlight the important passages for future recollection. In this post, I present my use of the Highly highlighting service to record, retrieve, and share highlights.
Overtime, you accumulate a set of configurations and dotfiles. To ensure a consistent environments across machines you want to have access to the same dotfiles. I share my synchronization approach along with how to keep the private and public information separate.